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臺灣全民學習平台 Developmental Psychology (2023) 講師:ShyiGary、林明傑、黃世琤 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

您可能感興趣: adult 
臺灣全民學習平台 Developmental Psychology (2023) 講師:ShyiGary、林明傑、黃世琤 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

臺灣全民學習平台 Developmental Psychology (2023) 講師:ShyiGary、林明傑、黃世琤 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

This course will explore the nature and process of interpersonal relationships and social interactions, as well as influencing factors, from three important perspectives: "Friendship", "Intimate relationship and lifestyle", and "The influence of interpersonal relationship". Students will be able to understand the basic knowledge of interpersonal relationships and social interactions.

1.Understand the nature of friendship and its essential elements2.Understand the friendship between adolescents and adults3.Understand the meaning and classification of intimacy4.Understand the relationship between interpersonal interaction and lifestyle5.Understand the process and influence of alienation and abuse in interpersonal relationships6.Understand the violence and negative effects of interpersonal relationships

Professor:Shih-Tseng Tina Huang?Profile:Professor,?Department of Psychology,?National Chung-Cheng UniversityCenter for Research in Cognitive Sciences & Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Sciences, CCULicensed Counseling PsychologistPresident, Taiwanese Association of the Mental Health InformaticsDivision of Developmental Psychology, Taiwanese Association of Psychology 課程內容:
01_Friendship and Interpersonal Relationship - Part 1 04 17 - 04 23?
001_1.1 Friendship.mp4
002_1.2 Ways to Evaluate Friendships.mp4
003_1.3 Image-based Social Assessments.mp4
004_1.4 Topic Discussion 1.4.mp4
005_1.5 Games and Friendships.mp4
006_1.6 Friendships and Social Behaviors.mp4
007_1.7 Friendships and Social Types.mp4
008_1.8 Violence and Aggression.mp4
009_1.9 Friendships and Peer Groups.mp4
010_1.10 Topic Discussion 1.10.mp4

02_Friendship and Interpersonal Relationship - Part 2 04 24 - 04 30?
011_2.1 Peer Relationship among Teenagers.mp4
012_2.2_Teenage Groups.mp4
013_2.3 Gender Differences in Teenage Friendships.mp4
014_2.4 adult Friendship.mp4
015_2.5 The Development of adult Friendship, Gender and Cultural Influence.mp4
016_2.6 Ways to Maintain Friendship.mp4
017_2.7 Topic Discussion 2.7.mp4
018_2.8 Topic Discussion 2.8.mp4

03_Elements and Theories of Intimacy 05 1 - 05 7?
019_3.1 Elements and Theories of Intimacy.mp4
020_Topic Discussion 3.1.mp4
021_3.2 The Four Stages of Triangular Theory of Love.mp4
022_3.3 The Five Stages of Campbell?s Relationship Development .mp4
023_3.4 Intimacy and Dependency.mp4
024_Topic Discussion 3.4.mp4
025_3.5 The Influence of Culture and Gender on Intimacy.mp4
026_3.6 Establishment and Maintenance of Intimacy.mp4
027_Topic Discussion 3.6.mp4

04_ Intimacy and Lifestyle 05 8 - 05 14?
028_4.1 Single.mp4
029_4.2 Cohabitation.mp4
030_4.3 Partners with Multiple Sexual Orientations.mp4
031_Topic Discussion 4.3.mp4
032_4.4 Satisfaction of Marriage.mp4
033_4.5 Marriage and Parenting.mp4
034_4.6 Divorce and Remarriage.mp4
035_4.7 Diversified Forms of Family.mp4
036_Topic Discussion 4.7.mp4

05_The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships - Part 1 05 15 - 05 21?
037_5.1 The Impact of Family on Interpersonal Relationships.mp4
038_5.2 The Influence of Parenting on Interpersonal Relationships.mp4
039_Topic Discussion 5.2.mp4
040_5.3 The Impact of Parental Behavior on Interpersonal Relationships.mp4
041_Topic Discussion 5.3.mp4
042_5.4 The Impact of Prejudice on Interpersonal Relationships.mp4

06_The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships - Part 2 05 22 - 05 28?
043_6.1 Relationship Violence.mp4
044_6.2 Child Abuse.mp4
045_6.3 The Impact of Abuse on Children.mp4
046_Topic Discussion 6.3.mp4
047_6.4 Dating Violence.mp4
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